Liliana Rhodes May, 2014 | Liliana Rhodes

Needing the Alpha The Crane Curse 3

The final book in The Crane Curse trilogy — Needing the Alpha — is now available and on sale for 99 cents for a limited time!

When Pinky Smythe’s father goes missing, her entire life changes. The worst part is she knows exactly who is at fault–her.

Rafael LeCroix is the gorgeous new bear Alpha in Leeds Point, a town he only moved to to find the woman of his dreams, Pinky. She won’t give him the time of day, but when he has to protect her from a killer, Rafael won’t take no for an answer.Together they discover
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Made for Sin Boxed Set

Just a quick blog post to update you on some new boxed sets for only 99 cents and an update on my upcoming releases.

If you are part of my reader group on Facebook, you’ll know that my family recently moved back to the east coast from California. Unfortunately the move really pushed my writing and my release schedule back. Needing the Alpha is the final book in the Crane Curse trilogy and that should be released in mid-May. Capo, the sequel to Soldier (Made Man trilogy) should be released at the end of May.

After those two releases,

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